
Monday 21 March 2016


Name: Fasi Date: 21/03/16
Story Map
Creating a story map is a way to help you understand and summarize the stories you read.  When you make a story map, you identify the basic story elements, such as the characters, setting, conflict, and important plot events.
Title: The Bat
Characters:Sam and matt
The boy did hit the ball but he hit the ball to hard.
Setting: At the boys game

Event 1:Sam did not like to play that game but he just had to
So he got the bat from Matt, then the games started Matt thourgh
The ball it look so fast that Sam said” the ball looked faster than lightning”.

Event 2:
Sam Grandad always watches his games one day he came up to me and gives Sam a bat, it look very old but grandad knew it was a very good bat.
Event 3:The games it was sunny, all the people got ready
He felt a little bit scared and brave but now he is going try his best.

Event 4: Matt throws the ball and it look like nothing that time,
Sam hits the ball went flying everyone the all looked over there heads. Sam was so happy that it was the best day of his life.


The boy did hit the ball but he hit the ball to hard.

Grandpa gives him a good bat.

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